The Otherside of Twilight
I was working with a brother shamanically when the Ancestors came over me strongly and began telling us hw t respond in these apparent troubled times. That in fact, the check mate of civilisation right now with it pandemics, division and isolation was in fact forcing us to an inward stance, so we may increase our spiritual practice and literally build a bridge from and into the spiritworld, whereby those transitioning out may wander purposefully and so to that new vital force and a host of multiple enthused spirits may renter this plane of existance to support the earths transformation.
As with most things it inspired me to write this poem.
Thank you Remi, thank you ancestors, thank you Great Spirit.
It has been consciously conceived so once read you can jump back and forth from any line to
any line in the poem and it will still hold its form of poetic trance ad infinitum !
Isolate and darkened
We are building a bridge
Through space and time
Compression beckons us
Inwards towards
The great unknown
Clans of remembrance
Spearhead through enveloping mists
Opening the minds eye
We are building a bridge into the sky
Don't be surprised
We are chosen
Tortured into introspection
Extracting breath
From this world
Breathing it
Into beyond
Passing it on
Passing it over
We have yet
To come home
To ourselves
To what lies behind
The hidden curtain
We are building a bridge into the Otherworld
Ravaged and diseased
Nations in isolation
So lets meet together
Under astral light
To build an arc
Into the Light
Where the Trickster
Plays his joke and game
Masking bliss
With suffering
Every shadow
Holds meaning
The poets lament
Over the open wound
That spills honey
On twisting tounges
Their open mouths
And curling lips
Spread the sleep
Of seduction
Of silent respite
We walk
The narrow path
Between two towers
Unto the starlit night
Where with open arms
We wait
To be embraced
By the ghost nation
We have built a bridge to the otherworld
To the otherside of twilght
To the otherside of night
As with most things it inspired me to write this poem.
Thank you Remi, thank you ancestors, thank you Great Spirit.
It has been consciously conceived so once read you can jump back and forth from any line to
any line in the poem and it will still hold its form of poetic trance ad infinitum !
Isolate and darkened
We are building a bridge
Through space and time
Compression beckons us
Inwards towards
The great unknown
Clans of remembrance
Spearhead through enveloping mists
Opening the minds eye
We are building a bridge into the sky
Don't be surprised
We are chosen
Tortured into introspection
Extracting breath
From this world
Breathing it
Into beyond
Passing it on
Passing it over
We have yet
To come home
To ourselves
To what lies behind
The hidden curtain
We are building a bridge into the Otherworld
Ravaged and diseased
Nations in isolation
So lets meet together
Under astral light
To build an arc
Into the Light
Where the Trickster
Plays his joke and game
Masking bliss
With suffering
Every shadow
Holds meaning
The poets lament
Over the open wound
That spills honey
On twisting tounges
Their open mouths
And curling lips
Spread the sleep
Of seduction
Of silent respite
We walk
The narrow path
Between two towers
Unto the starlit night
Where with open arms
We wait
To be embraced
By the ghost nation
We have built a bridge to the otherworld
To the otherside of twilght
To the otherside of night