The Center of Everything
In the self is a door
Through the door is a dream
Within the dream is a river
Upon the river sits a boat
On the boat rides a ghost
This ghost is the dreamer
The dreamer breathes pleasure
The pleasure draws its breath
The breath sucks and shivers
The shivers show the way
The way is even deeper
Deeper than any measure
The measure is timeless
Timelessness whispers
The whisperer tells us
The teller unknowing
The unknowingness knows us
The knowing moves forward
Forward into the chasm
The chasm that swallows
Swallows the serpent
The serpent unwinds us
The unwinding chaos
The chaos shatters everything
Everything we hold true
The truth of the liar
The liars bitter laughter
That laughs at disaster
The disastrous master
The master of tensions
The tension that binds us
Binds us to the past
The past of our ancestors
The ancestors within the earth
The earth is the cauldron
The cauldron of transformation
That transforms the raven
The raven of knowledge
The knowledge of forgetfulness
The forgetfulness of wisdom
The wisdom of giving
The giving that saves us
Saves our souls as we crumble
The soul’s weight now lightened
To the light of the spirts
The spirits that dance
The dance of creation
Creating the gateway
The gates to the garden
The garden of splendour
The splendour that opens
The opening within us
To the tree that trembles
Its trembling shimmer
That shimmers at its centre
Through the door is a dream
Within the dream is a river
Upon the river sits a boat
On the boat rides a ghost
This ghost is the dreamer
The dreamer breathes pleasure
The pleasure draws its breath
The breath sucks and shivers
The shivers show the way
The way is even deeper
Deeper than any measure
The measure is timeless
Timelessness whispers
The whisperer tells us
The teller unknowing
The unknowingness knows us
The knowing moves forward
Forward into the chasm
The chasm that swallows
Swallows the serpent
The serpent unwinds us
The unwinding chaos
The chaos shatters everything
Everything we hold true
The truth of the liar
The liars bitter laughter
That laughs at disaster
The disastrous master
The master of tensions
The tension that binds us
Binds us to the past
The past of our ancestors
The ancestors within the earth
The earth is the cauldron
The cauldron of transformation
That transforms the raven
The raven of knowledge
The knowledge of forgetfulness
The forgetfulness of wisdom
The wisdom of giving
The giving that saves us
Saves our souls as we crumble
The soul’s weight now lightened
To the light of the spirts
The spirits that dance
The dance of creation
Creating the gateway
The gates to the garden
The garden of splendour
The splendour that opens
The opening within us
To the tree that trembles
Its trembling shimmer
That shimmers at its centre
That shimmers at its centre
Its trembling shimmer
To the tree that trembles
The opening within us
The splendour that opens
The garden of splendour
The gates to the garden
Creating the gateway
The dance of creation
The spirits that dance
To the light of the spirits
The souls weight now lightened
Save's our souls as we crumble
The giving that saves us
The wisdom of giving
The forgetfullness of wisdom
The knowledge of forgetfulness
The raven of knowledge
That transforms the raven
The cauldron of transformation
The earth is the cauldron
The ancestors within the earth
The past of our ancestors
Binds us to the past
The tension that binds us
The master of tensions
The disastrous master
That laughs at disaster
The liars bitter laughter
The truth of the liar
Everything we hold true
The chaos that shatters everything
The unwinding chaos
The serpent unwinds us
Swallows the serpent
The chasm that swallows
Forward into the chasm
The knowing moves forward
The unknowingness knows us
The teller unknowing
The whisperer tells us
Timelessness whispers
The measure is timeless
Deeper than any measure
The way even deeper
The shivers show the way
The breath sucks and shivers
The pleasure draws its breath
The dreamer breathes pleasure
The ghost is the dreamer
On the boat rides a ghost
Upon a river sits a boat
Within the dream is a river
Through the door is a dream
In the self is a door
Its trembling shimmer
To the tree that trembles
The opening within us
The splendour that opens
The garden of splendour
The gates to the garden
Creating the gateway
The dance of creation
The spirits that dance
To the light of the spirits
The souls weight now lightened
Save's our souls as we crumble
The giving that saves us
The wisdom of giving
The forgetfullness of wisdom
The knowledge of forgetfulness
The raven of knowledge
That transforms the raven
The cauldron of transformation
The earth is the cauldron
The ancestors within the earth
The past of our ancestors
Binds us to the past
The tension that binds us
The master of tensions
The disastrous master
That laughs at disaster
The liars bitter laughter
The truth of the liar
Everything we hold true
The chaos that shatters everything
The unwinding chaos
The serpent unwinds us
Swallows the serpent
The chasm that swallows
Forward into the chasm
The knowing moves forward
The unknowingness knows us
The teller unknowing
The whisperer tells us
Timelessness whispers
The measure is timeless
Deeper than any measure
The way even deeper
The shivers show the way
The breath sucks and shivers
The pleasure draws its breath
The dreamer breathes pleasure
The ghost is the dreamer
On the boat rides a ghost
Upon a river sits a boat
Within the dream is a river
Through the door is a dream
In the self is a door