Templo de Diana ~ Segunto
Synchronicity abounds at such an astounding rate in our lives. On two separate occasions, two people suggested we should visit Sagunto here in Valencia. Both spontaneously, without reference to each other and completely out of the blue, without being prompted by any previous conversation of good places to go etc.
The timing of us finally going on this Full Moon couldnt be more perfect. Needless to say from the moment we arrived magic poured forth as bright as the spanish sunshine.
Following our intuition we found ourselves at an ancient Temple dedicated to the Goddess Diana, with the original wall and ritual baths still intact. As well was a wonderful small exhibition on the creation and inspiration of the origins of Theater and how the original performances were always ritualistic and had an alter built to honor the god Dionysious...
We are in the process of creating our own Ceremonial Theater and the relevance of this day and its direct message straight from the heart of Diana's Temple was not lost on us.
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