St Agabus
Feast Day Feb 13th
He was a compatriot of Saint Paul who correctly predicted Paul’s capture and imprisonment as well as his own death. He also predicted a severe famine, which came to pass in Antioch.
This simple working is great for anyone that practices the art of divination, especially professionally and will be most effective on February 13th, the saint’s feast day and anniversary of his death.
St Agabus works best when praises and thanks are given first to God, thanking Him for the many gifts and blessings for which you already been bestowed, before petitioning the Saint for this specific request.
A small offering of bread and water may be given in front of an image of the Saint.
Then you may light either a purple or white candle and place something that represents your form of divination beside it (dice, cards, runes, etc.)
Ask for St Agabus’s blessings that you may be given the gift of clear sight and divination, that you may aid all who come to you for guidance, ask him to bless all your endeavours and for him to help increase and fortify your business.
Then say this simple prayer whilst passing your form of divination { cards, runes etc } back and forth over the candles flame in the shape of the cross. { representing the four directions }
Glorious St Agabus, prophet and disciple, do not let my faith be weakened by my fears of what the future will hold.
Then do a very simple read for yourself, again asking for St Agabus's blessings. and once done give thanks and then leave your cards/runes/pendulum etc in front of the Saints image.
Bless ...