I own your head
Have stolen your crown
You broke the seal
With the hammer of ignorance
Crushed the blossoming flower
I am the Seed Stealer
The Horned Gatekeeper
Gravity pulled us down
Down to the ground
Down through the fire
To the Halls of the Great Mother
Dragged screaming
Now to meet your maker
Midnights dreaming
Fear haunts you like a demon
It distorts everything
In its gripping power
Surrounds you in a cloak of chaos
That makes the unreal real
And you
Lies greatest believer
I am the one come as shadow
The Dark Liberator
The Crown Stealer
That polishes gold
And mounts your head
Cracking the poisonous skull
Drinking its blood
She comes black and grotesque
With skulls on her neck
Sufferings Queen
The Dark Destroyer
Blades drawn
To cut off your head
Loves Purifier
With eyes that roll
In the back of her head
She feeds on desire
The Great Annihilator
That drinks from your lying lips
Wraps her snakes around your neck
And pulls her victim in
Each of us a length of string
That at the appointed hour
Is feasted upon and reeled in
I am Her Progenitor
Her Consort
Her Lover
Who baths in excstacy
Worshipping at her feet
The Crowned Emperor
The All Father
The one that breaths destiny
The illusions shattered grin
That bows its head before me
To finally
Come home
Once again
It is me
With the keys
To both past and future
Until you are clean
Illuminated and redeemed
I wear the Crown