Europa ~ A spell to cast !
To keep Great Britain in the European Union
Europe is named after the Greek Goddess Europa. Her story traditionally is a Greek myth at its most patriarchal. The daughter of Agenor and Telephassa, king and queen of Phoenicia, is playing and gathering flowers one day at the water's edge when she sees a gentle and majestic bull: she trustingly approached the animal which bent its knees to her, so she climbed on to its back and began to wreathe flowers round its horns. Suddenly the bull which is the God Zeus in disguise, "reared, to his feet and at a bound sprang into the waves and carried the weeping virgin across the vast sea". They landed in Crete where Zeus ravished and made love to her.
To complete the tale: Europa gave birth to three children among whom Minos was to become king of Crete and founder of the Minoan dynasty. The children were adopted by Asterius, king of Crete who became Europa's husband.
However, if we look further, we find quite a different story, which can be summed up by this short hymn.
‘I am Europa full moon, the broad faced one. I am the cosmic cow, the Mother of all. See me as I journey from dusk to dawn on the back of my consort, the bull. My splendour is so great we outshine the light of a million stars
Holding his horn in my left hand of wisdom I control the fertile magic of our hieros gamos. For he is my lover, he is my son. He is my chosen one.’
The 'broad faced one' is the meaning of the word Europa, which can also mean 'she of the flourishing willow withies', according to Robert Graves. He sees Europa as a moon goddess, which makes her Queen of the Tides and giver of dew and moisture. Patricia Monaghan agrees with the Moon Goddess title, but says her name means the "wide-eyed one", and credits her with being the mother goddess of Crete. Her servant was the lunar bull.
Barbara Walker, quoting Campbell, Graves and Guthrie sees Europa as the Full Moon and mother of the entire continent of Europe. She is embodied as a white Moon Cow and believes garlanded white bulls were sacrificed to her.
Bearing this all in mind the ritual below was created to summon Europa to influence the UK referendum in favour of the stay campaign. It is to be performed on the evening of the Full Moon of Monday 20th 2016.
To complete the tale: Europa gave birth to three children among whom Minos was to become king of Crete and founder of the Minoan dynasty. The children were adopted by Asterius, king of Crete who became Europa's husband.
However, if we look further, we find quite a different story, which can be summed up by this short hymn.
‘I am Europa full moon, the broad faced one. I am the cosmic cow, the Mother of all. See me as I journey from dusk to dawn on the back of my consort, the bull. My splendour is so great we outshine the light of a million stars
Holding his horn in my left hand of wisdom I control the fertile magic of our hieros gamos. For he is my lover, he is my son. He is my chosen one.’
The 'broad faced one' is the meaning of the word Europa, which can also mean 'she of the flourishing willow withies', according to Robert Graves. He sees Europa as a moon goddess, which makes her Queen of the Tides and giver of dew and moisture. Patricia Monaghan agrees with the Moon Goddess title, but says her name means the "wide-eyed one", and credits her with being the mother goddess of Crete. Her servant was the lunar bull.
Barbara Walker, quoting Campbell, Graves and Guthrie sees Europa as the Full Moon and mother of the entire continent of Europe. She is embodied as a white Moon Cow and believes garlanded white bulls were sacrificed to her.
Bearing this all in mind the ritual below was created to summon Europa to influence the UK referendum in favour of the stay campaign. It is to be performed on the evening of the Full Moon of Monday 20th 2016.
Viva Europa
A spell to cast so Great Britain will stay in the European Union
An image of the European Union flag { large }
An image of the Union Jack { small }
An image of Europa and the white bull { medium }
A blue Candle and a golden/yellow candle
28 votive candles / birthday cake candles
28 coriander seeds
Magnetic sand
A bulls horn { if possible }
Dirt from both the UK and Europe { if possible }
The Ode to Joy by Ludwig van Beethoven
Obviously some of these things may be hard to get for some people, so just improvise and use what u can and leave out the things that may be unavailable to you.
Have all your ingredients ready then;
Do whatever opening ritual works for you i.e. Casting a circle ~ Calling on the four directions ~ Lord’s Prayer etc.
Once you have created sacred space, place large image of European flag on table top or any stable surface, this will be your working alter. Place your hands on image a say a prayer over it, asking that all the powers of Europa be present in your working.
Next take image of UK flag write across the flag 'UNITY IN DIVERSITY' the motto of the European union and then cut into a circle so it fits perfectly inside the 12 golden stars of European flag. Again place your hands over the image and internally see the union jack encircled by the stars of the union, continuing to pray.
A spell to cast so Great Britain will stay in the European Union
An image of the European Union flag { large }
An image of the Union Jack { small }
An image of Europa and the white bull { medium }
A blue Candle and a golden/yellow candle
28 votive candles / birthday cake candles
28 coriander seeds
Magnetic sand
A bulls horn { if possible }
Dirt from both the UK and Europe { if possible }
The Ode to Joy by Ludwig van Beethoven
Obviously some of these things may be hard to get for some people, so just improvise and use what u can and leave out the things that may be unavailable to you.
Have all your ingredients ready then;
Do whatever opening ritual works for you i.e. Casting a circle ~ Calling on the four directions ~ Lord’s Prayer etc.
Once you have created sacred space, place large image of European flag on table top or any stable surface, this will be your working alter. Place your hands on image a say a prayer over it, asking that all the powers of Europa be present in your working.
Next take image of UK flag write across the flag 'UNITY IN DIVERSITY' the motto of the European union and then cut into a circle so it fits perfectly inside the 12 golden stars of European flag. Again place your hands over the image and internally see the union jack encircled by the stars of the union, continuing to pray.
Next take the image of Zeus and Europa place over the Union Jack {making sure the Europa image is larger than the UK flag. Again place your hands on top of image and recite these prayers
Hymn to Zeus
Cleanthes of Assos (331-233 B.C.)
Most glorious of immortals, Zeus
the many named, almighty evermore,
Nature's great Sovereign, ruling all by law
Hail to thee! On thee 'tis meet and right
Those mortals everywhere should call.
From thee was our begetting; ours alone
Of all that live and move upon the earth
The lot to bear God's likeness.
Thee will I ever chant, thy power praise!
For thee this whole vast cosmos, wheeling round
The earth, obeys, and where thou leadest
It follows, ruled willingly by thee.
In thy unconquerable hands thou holdest fast,
Ready prepared, that two-timed flaming blast,
The ever-living thunderbolt:
Nature's own stroke brings all things to their end.
By it thou guidest aright the sense instinct
Which spreads through all things, mingled even
With stars in heaven, the great and small-
Thou who art King supreme for evermore!
Naught upon earth is wrought in thy despite, 0 God.
Nor in the ethereal sphere aloft which ever winds
About its pole, nor in the sea-save only what
The wicked work, in their strange madness,
Yet even so, thou knowest to make the crooked straight.
Prune all excess, give order to the orderless,
For unto thee the unloved still is lovely-
And thus in one all things are harmonized,
The evil with the good, that so one Word
Should be in all things everlastingly.
One Word-which evermore the wicked flee!
Ill-fated, hungering to possess the good
They have no vision of God's universal law,
Nor will they hear, though if obedient in mind
They might obtain a noble life, true wealth.
Instead they rush unthinking after ill:
Some with a shameless zeal for fame,
Others pursuing gain, disorderly;
Still others folly, or pleasures of the flesh.
[But evils are their lot] and other times
Bring other harvests, all unsought-
For all their great desire, its opposite!
But, Zeus, thou giver of every gift,
Who dwellest within the dark clouds, wielding still
The flashing stroke of lightning, save, we pray,
Thy children from this boundless misery.
Scatter, 0 Father, the darkness from their souls,
Grant them to find true understanding
On which relying thou justly rulest all-
While we, thus honoured, in turn will honour thee,
Hymning thy works forever, as is meet
For mortals while no greater right
Belongs even to the gods than evermore
Justly to praise the universal law!
Pause for a moment whilst summoning the powers of Zeus. When it feels right call on Europa.
‘Europa gracious Goddess of the full face moon,
By your horns we may know the passing of the days
and the turning of the cycling seasons
Pour out your abundance unto us we pray
May we know the fullness of your bounty
As we now know the shining fullness of the moon
From you flows all life and unto you may all life return.
Then chant the name Europa many times over as you begin to light 28 small tapper candles in a circle clockwise around your working.
Hymn to Zeus
Cleanthes of Assos (331-233 B.C.)
Most glorious of immortals, Zeus
the many named, almighty evermore,
Nature's great Sovereign, ruling all by law
Hail to thee! On thee 'tis meet and right
Those mortals everywhere should call.
From thee was our begetting; ours alone
Of all that live and move upon the earth
The lot to bear God's likeness.
Thee will I ever chant, thy power praise!
For thee this whole vast cosmos, wheeling round
The earth, obeys, and where thou leadest
It follows, ruled willingly by thee.
In thy unconquerable hands thou holdest fast,
Ready prepared, that two-timed flaming blast,
The ever-living thunderbolt:
Nature's own stroke brings all things to their end.
By it thou guidest aright the sense instinct
Which spreads through all things, mingled even
With stars in heaven, the great and small-
Thou who art King supreme for evermore!
Naught upon earth is wrought in thy despite, 0 God.
Nor in the ethereal sphere aloft which ever winds
About its pole, nor in the sea-save only what
The wicked work, in their strange madness,
Yet even so, thou knowest to make the crooked straight.
Prune all excess, give order to the orderless,
For unto thee the unloved still is lovely-
And thus in one all things are harmonized,
The evil with the good, that so one Word
Should be in all things everlastingly.
One Word-which evermore the wicked flee!
Ill-fated, hungering to possess the good
They have no vision of God's universal law,
Nor will they hear, though if obedient in mind
They might obtain a noble life, true wealth.
Instead they rush unthinking after ill:
Some with a shameless zeal for fame,
Others pursuing gain, disorderly;
Still others folly, or pleasures of the flesh.
[But evils are their lot] and other times
Bring other harvests, all unsought-
For all their great desire, its opposite!
But, Zeus, thou giver of every gift,
Who dwellest within the dark clouds, wielding still
The flashing stroke of lightning, save, we pray,
Thy children from this boundless misery.
Scatter, 0 Father, the darkness from their souls,
Grant them to find true understanding
On which relying thou justly rulest all-
While we, thus honoured, in turn will honour thee,
Hymning thy works forever, as is meet
For mortals while no greater right
Belongs even to the gods than evermore
Justly to praise the universal law!
Pause for a moment whilst summoning the powers of Zeus. When it feels right call on Europa.
‘Europa gracious Goddess of the full face moon,
By your horns we may know the passing of the days
and the turning of the cycling seasons
Pour out your abundance unto us we pray
May we know the fullness of your bounty
As we now know the shining fullness of the moon
From you flows all life and unto you may all life return.
Then chant the name Europa many times over as you begin to light 28 small tapper candles in a circle clockwise around your working.
Sit and contemplate the United Kingdom staying in the European Union as the candles burn, whilst continually praying to Europa.
The candles will not take long to burn down, once they have, gently lift up the entire working and set it on fire, releasing the spell into the ethers.
Mix the ashes with the magnetic sand, 28 coriander seeds and the dirt from UK and Europe. Once mixed together place inside hollowed Bulls horn.
One after the other light first the blues candle and let the wax pour into the bull’s horn, the light the golden candle and allow the hot wax to pour into the horn.
Once the wax has dried the spell is complete, tie string around bull’s horn and hang it out where the light of the full moon can energise and bless it.
Of course i realise that for some people a bulls horn may be hard to come by, so instead simply roll the working from one end into a cone, tape or bind together, pinch and fold the pointed end then add all the ingredients alternating between wax and coriander seeds etc.
Also if you cant get hold of magnetic sand, you could use ground liqorice root, crushed cloves or allspice to good effect.
Play the Ode to Joy by Ludwig van Beethoven { The European Anthem } throughout spellcasting
The candles will not take long to burn down, once they have, gently lift up the entire working and set it on fire, releasing the spell into the ethers.
Mix the ashes with the magnetic sand, 28 coriander seeds and the dirt from UK and Europe. Once mixed together place inside hollowed Bulls horn.
One after the other light first the blues candle and let the wax pour into the bull’s horn, the light the golden candle and allow the hot wax to pour into the horn.
Once the wax has dried the spell is complete, tie string around bull’s horn and hang it out where the light of the full moon can energise and bless it.
Of course i realise that for some people a bulls horn may be hard to come by, so instead simply roll the working from one end into a cone, tape or bind together, pinch and fold the pointed end then add all the ingredients alternating between wax and coriander seeds etc.
Also if you cant get hold of magnetic sand, you could use ground liqorice root, crushed cloves or allspice to good effect.
Play the Ode to Joy by Ludwig van Beethoven { The European Anthem } throughout spellcasting
Below are image and prayer files to download and use

hymn_to_zeus___europa.docx |

european_union_flag_stars_europe_texture_50952_1920x10802.jpg |

uk-great-britain-flag2.jpg |

europa.big2.jpg |