Dying swans
They are gasping for air retching their last breath
They had gathered to be with us to bring wisdom
Yet you took their beautiful necks and strangled them
Looked into their loving eyes and poisoned them
With twisting hands you stole the golden promise
Choked life from their broken hearts and beaten bodies
I thought you were different not one of them not like all the others
But you became far worse than the innocence killers
More murderous than the greedy simpletons of yesterday
You dressed as a queen in a gown of white feathers
Spoke tongues of angels and whispered togetherness
Forever was the promise you spoke so delicately
They had gathered around us under the willow weeping
Two young girls smiled sweetly as you held me
A naked boy stood as silent as a statue before us
Naivete perfumed the floral setting of our dreams
We were beyond space entwined within time
Together finally like two birds flying into eternity
Your beautiful hand reached out to beckon them closer
As the feathered flock encircled us like priests and priestess
You smiled and they came nearer their fear falling behind them
Come closer come into me i will never hurt you i promise
They believed you in that moment they trusted us
Then you took their necks and shook them violently
One by one they lay jerking and shaking before me
Their divine bodies in spasms like snakes burning
The young cygnets dark eyes pleading with me
Why did you do this why would she lie to us
I turned to you in disbelief but you had disappeared
And all that was left was green grass soaked in black tears
They had gathered to be with us to bring wisdom
Yet you took their beautiful necks and strangled them
Looked into their loving eyes and poisoned them
With twisting hands you stole the golden promise
Choked life from their broken hearts and beaten bodies
I thought you were different not one of them not like all the others
But you became far worse than the innocence killers
More murderous than the greedy simpletons of yesterday
You dressed as a queen in a gown of white feathers
Spoke tongues of angels and whispered togetherness
Forever was the promise you spoke so delicately
They had gathered around us under the willow weeping
Two young girls smiled sweetly as you held me
A naked boy stood as silent as a statue before us
Naivete perfumed the floral setting of our dreams
We were beyond space entwined within time
Together finally like two birds flying into eternity
Your beautiful hand reached out to beckon them closer
As the feathered flock encircled us like priests and priestess
You smiled and they came nearer their fear falling behind them
Come closer come into me i will never hurt you i promise
They believed you in that moment they trusted us
Then you took their necks and shook them violently
One by one they lay jerking and shaking before me
Their divine bodies in spasms like snakes burning
The young cygnets dark eyes pleading with me
Why did you do this why would she lie to us
I turned to you in disbelief but you had disappeared
And all that was left was green grass soaked in black tears
Wordz by ‘ Y ‘ MagickalChild
A ‘MagickalChild’ is birthed whenever ‘The Other’ is communed with through the combined
soul of creativity and intention.