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Urban Shamanism
Anthropologists use the word “shamanism,” from the Tungus people of Siberia, to mean the commonalities between different traditions. Shamans find their calling through a life-threatening initiatory illness or crisis, go into visioning and trance to connect to other realities, shapeshift out of their regular identity to identify with animals, spirits, and even illnesses, and return to the ordinary world to share skills of healing and creativity. Living at the edge of society and defying conventional norms, conduct, and even gender, shamans are respected as a powerful community link to the divine.
‘Urban shamanism is a broader approach, rediscovering the roots of tribal mind for modern people and putting ancient patterns to use in new forms. Urban shamans reinvent spirit healing for themselves. All of us have ancestral links to shamanic cultures if we go back far enough, because all societies have origins in tribalism. There are no rules and no end to learning and creativity, as we reawaken our indigenous minds and recreate spirit healing in new ways.’
{ Will Hall - Urban Shamanism }
In this Course we will break down the fundamentals of Power, Urban Shamanism
and Animism in the Modern World
Trance work
Reaching Ecstatic states enter the Spirit World
How to diagnose imbalances and dis~ease and find the appropriate remedies
The basics on how to Journey within
Shamanic Maps
Learn the fundamental Shamanic viewpoint of the Spirit world
Spirit Allies
Discover what spirits work with you and how to interact and work with them
Places of Power
How to journey and map your local environment and accumulating power in an urban environment
The 7 Directions
Plus much much more
We will be exploring the basic tenants of the Shamanic World view and the 7 Directions applying its principles and working with Spirit Allies etc, to map the Inner Terrain, accumulating and accessing Power and effecting harmonised transformation within the Spiritual & Elemental Realms
Each single stage consists of 6 consultas over a 3 month period
All 4 stages consists of 24 consultas over a full year
Single stage - 6 Consultas: 499.00 Euros
For Full Year Long Training please contact for further details
Anthropologists use the word “shamanism,” from the Tungus people of Siberia, to mean the commonalities between different traditions. Shamans find their calling through a life-threatening initiatory illness or crisis, go into visioning and trance to connect to other realities, shapeshift out of their regular identity to identify with animals, spirits, and even illnesses, and return to the ordinary world to share skills of healing and creativity. Living at the edge of society and defying conventional norms, conduct, and even gender, shamans are respected as a powerful community link to the divine.
‘Urban shamanism is a broader approach, rediscovering the roots of tribal mind for modern people and putting ancient patterns to use in new forms. Urban shamans reinvent spirit healing for themselves. All of us have ancestral links to shamanic cultures if we go back far enough, because all societies have origins in tribalism. There are no rules and no end to learning and creativity, as we reawaken our indigenous minds and recreate spirit healing in new ways.’
{ Will Hall - Urban Shamanism }
In this Course we will break down the fundamentals of Power, Urban Shamanism
and Animism in the Modern World
Trance work
Reaching Ecstatic states enter the Spirit World
How to diagnose imbalances and dis~ease and find the appropriate remedies
The basics on how to Journey within
Shamanic Maps
Learn the fundamental Shamanic viewpoint of the Spirit world
Spirit Allies
Discover what spirits work with you and how to interact and work with them
Places of Power
How to journey and map your local environment and accumulating power in an urban environment
The 7 Directions
Plus much much more
We will be exploring the basic tenants of the Shamanic World view and the 7 Directions applying its principles and working with Spirit Allies etc, to map the Inner Terrain, accumulating and accessing Power and effecting harmonised transformation within the Spiritual & Elemental Realms
Each single stage consists of 6 consultas over a 3 month period
All 4 stages consists of 24 consultas over a full year
Single stage - 6 Consultas: 499.00 Euros
For Full Year Long Training please contact for further details